martes, 1 de abril de 2014

A description by Judith Balcells Solé


The person I dislike most is Carla Gaya. We used to be friends when we were younger, but a few years ago we had a big row and now we aren't speaking to each other. We had a row because when we were friends I told her that I was in love with a boy, and she tried to kiss him, so I get angry with her. 

Carla is sixteen years old, she is tallish and slim, so a lot of boys want her to be his girlfriend. She's got long, straight dark hair and big brown eyes. Her face is like porcelain: she's got pale skin, without freckles, with a little mouth and a little nose, so it seems that her eyes are bigger. Her teeth are little and white, so her smile is beautiful. She has nearly perfect physical appearence, and this makes me hate her more!

In spite of her beauty, Carla is really silly. She doesn't like studying, so she often fails exams. She's outgoing, she is always going to parties and she makes new friends, most of them are boys. She's self-centred too, because she always thinks about herself and she never thinks about her friends' problems. Moreover, she's very easy-going.

There are only two things that Carla is interested in: boys and go shopping. She always has the most beautiful clothes, so boys are always looking at her, and she loves that. I hate her because despite she is silly, all the boys are looking after her!

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