martes, 15 de abril de 2014

Complaint letter by Mikaela Ivanova Gugova

58 Manly Street
R669 L73

Laurence services Department
Express Restaurant
Canal Street
New York 5

23 February 214

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to express my dissatisfaction about your service.

It was clearly stated on your website that your restaurant is the only one in the city which offers birthday cakes, so I decided to celebrate my birthday there. I told the cooks that I wanted a big chocolate cake and they agreed to make it, but at the last time they told me that the cake would not be finished for the day I wanted. As you could imagine this caused me considerable embarassement.

To make matters worse, the waiters do not treat us very well.

I would be grateful if you could look into the matter urgently.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Mikaela Ivanova Gugova

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