martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Formal Letter: Post-interview follow-up letter

Post-interview follow-up letter example

 Anita Job
1422 Your Street
Yourtown, OH 678910
July 21, 2011
Dr. Ratzenpumper
Lead Scientist
Rats and Pumpkins Field Research Team
13 Rodentia Drive
Orange Patch, MI 131313

Dear Dr. Ratzenpumper,
I would like to thank you for taking the time to interview me for the position of assistant field researcher on the Rats and Pumpkins Field Research Team. I know how busy your schedule is, and I greatly appreciate the time you cleared for the interview yesterday afternoon.
Making the trip down to Orange Patch, and seeing the Team in action, has only boosted my desire to contribute to such a wonderful project. The ecological interaction between rats and pumpkins is of vital importance; anything I can do to contribute to the Team’s research in this area will be time well spent, not to mention a personal blessing.
I am particularly interested in the night shift and the nocturnal symbiosis between rats and pumpkins; I am truly excited to research such striking phenomena—and I’m not afraid of the long hours! I have always been a Night Owl—or a Night Rat, if you permit me the expression—and a chance to pursue this important research would be a great opportunity, both personally and professionally.
I am looking forward to hearing from you in the next two weeks, as you indicated. The potential of this opportunity is truly exciting, and I greatly appreciate your time and interest.
Yours sincerely,

Anita Job

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