miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

An informal email by Elisa Pinós Farrús

To: Tània

From: Elisa

Hi Tània!
How's it going? I haven't known from you for ages!

Well, guess what? I'm travelling to París in January with Oana and Sònia. We are going to stay there only three days but we want to visit a lot of things and places because París is a beautiful city. It was Oana's idea because her sister travelled there last year, Sònia agreed, so we decided to travel together.

I know that you visited París last month and I know that you enjoyed it a lot too, so I was wondering if you could give us some advice about places to visit. I want to visit Torre Eiffel, but I know that there are more interesting places there. I'd also love to hear your news.

Write soon! Sònia is waiting for me because we will go shopping.

Lots of love,


PS Sònia says Hi.

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